Como fotografar secretamente à distância

Are you looking for a way to take screenshots of what your child, friend, lover or employee is doing as evidence? Do you want to use an app to keep an eye on the people you love or the person you are suspicious of? Do you want to anonymously stalk someone’s phone and take screenshots of their activity, browsing history, text messages, live location, live phone streaming, live front and rear camera?

If your answer to any of the above is a yes, then you need to download the ultimate app for spying on someone secretly and taking a screenshot without them even finding out. Sometimes, it is necessary to check your child, friend or employee’s phone to see their phone activity in order to monitor who they speak with and take a screenshot for future references.

Children go through peer pressure and even the nicest kids might end up doing something you never thought they would. In other cases, your lover might be cheating on you or going behind your back to their ex and an employee might be providing confidential or insider information to competitors or outsiders.

In such situations, it is essential to use an app to monitor their iPhone or Android devices. In order to check if your child, lover or employee is honest, you need to use the best call surveillance app out there which is why you need to use the TTSPY app as it is available for both iPhone and Android devices. The app is one of a kind as it offers you with monitoramento em tempo real functions unlike any other apps out there.

Other Similar Software

One can find various apps online for stalking or spying as well as taking screenshots but most of those apps are spam and do not provide you with the features you need in order to fully stalk or spy on someone. The features which these apps have are limited. None of the apps has all the features of an ultimate phone monitoring app unlike TTSPY which has the most amazing features which can be found in a phone monitoring app.

TTSPY gives you unlimited control over someone’s phone activities.

Captura de tela remotamente
Captura de tela remotamente

How to Get the App on Your Phone?

The app is relatively easy to download and does not take much time. All one has to do is download the app through a third-party app which are easily available on both App Store and Play Store. The TTSPY app does not require rooting for an android phone or jailbreak for an iPhone, making it easy to download on your phone.

The TTSPY app works smoothly on most iPhones and Android devices. Download a third-party app or use the existing third-party app on your phone to use all the features which are available on the app. It is the app you need to secretly screenshot someone’s live location, live front or rear camera view, live phone streaming, text messages, images and much more.

Choose TTSPY to Secretly Screenshot Remotely

It is hard to find an app which has all the features that TTSPY has. It is the app one needs to use in order to secretly stalk on someone and screenshot whatever is needed. The app provides the user with real-time monitoring functions such as monitoring a person’s call log, or accessing their entire phone and all the features in the phone, without them even finding out.

The app has one of the best features which you will be able find and allows you to know everything about the person and take screenshots anything important. If you want to know more about what your crush or lover or even employee is doing or up to, then you need TTSPY to help you out with that. The reasons below are why you need to use the app.

  •         Screenshot the conversations of your child, lover or employee remotely.
  •         Access their entire phone without them finding out or even having a clue.
  •         Gives you easy access to hacking someone’s phone.
  •         Easy & friendly user-interface.
  •         Store as many screenshots as you want on your phone.
  •         Don’t need to be tech savvy to use the app.

Other Powerful Features Available on the App

There is no denying that TTSPY is the ultimate app for secretly screenshotting someone’s phone text messages, photos, live location and so much more. The app is available for both iPhone and Android devices, meaning that get to use the most powerful monitoring app out there for any smartphone.

The various powerful features available on the app give provide you with the tools you need to stalk on someone with great ease. Some of the powerful features are mentioned below.

  •         Recurso de localização ao vivo: Vais poder verificar a localização ao vivo da pessoa que queres espiar. A localização fornecida é precisa e vai ajudá-lo a determinar o paradeiro do seu filho, empregado ou amante. A funcionalidade de localização em directo é importante, pois ajuda-o a garantir que o seu filho chegou a um local seguro ou não e que pode monitorizar o seu paradeiro ao longo do dia.
  •         Mensagens de acesso: Você também terá acesso a todas as mensagens de texto da pessoa que você quer espionar e lê-las.
  •         Câmara frontal e traseira ao vivo: Uma das características mais poderosas do aplicativo além do monitor de registro de chamadas é a câmera dianteira e traseira ao vivo. Não importa onde seu filho, funcionário ou amante possa estar, você poderá ficar de olho neles para garantir que estejam seguros e não fazer algo que não deveriam estar fazendo.
  •         Acesse os aplicativos no telefone: Terá acesso completo a todas as aplicações descarregadas no telemóvel, tais como WhatsApp, Viber, Instagram, facebook e muito mais.
  •         Acesse as fotos: Veja todas as fotos tiradas pelo seu filho ou empregado para saber se eles estão a fazer algo de errado ou suspeito.
  •         Acesse o histórico do navegador: Você também pode acessar o histórico do navegador da pessoa para saber o que ela verificou online. Pode até ajudar os empregadores a saber se os empregados estão à procura de um novo emprego ou a enviar um e-mail a um concorrente.

Secretly Stalk Anyone Remotely

When you download the TTSPY app on your phone, you get to know everything about the person you want to spy on. The app will provide you with all the tools you need to learn everything about a person, even all their secrets as a person’s phone have all the secrets, so download the app now and take screenshots remotely without them finding out.


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